1 Brethren, I bid you all farewell,
And from my very heart,
Affectionately I do tell,
That you and I must part.
2 And if I see you not again,
I trust that I can say,
My labor shall not be in vain,
That I have spent this day.
3 I trust I can to record call,
All you that hear me now,
I have declar'd God's counsels all,
As he did me endow.
4 I now depart, I leave you here,
I leave you with the Lord,
And may we all henceforth appear,
To be of one accord.
5 And if we never meet again,
While we on earth remain,
O may we meet on Canaan's shore,
And never part again.
6 There we shall join to sing God's praise,
And all his wonders tell,
And triumph in his holy ways,
So brethren fare you well.
Source: Divine Hymns or Spiritual Songs, for the use of religious assemblies and private Christians: being a collection #CVIII
First Line: | Brethren I bid you all farewell |
Title: | The Preacher's Farewell |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |