Display Title: All the Ends of the Earth (Los Confines del Orbe) First Line: Break into song at the deeds of the Lord (Qué maravillosas las obras del Señor) Tune Title: [Break into song at the deeds of the Lord] Author: Bob Dufford, SJ, b. 1943; Ronald F. Krisman, b. 1946 Scripture: Psalm 98 Date: 2013 Subject: Alabanza | ; Canción | ; Christmas Season | ; Faith | ; Faithfulness of God | ; Fe | ; Fidelidad de Dios | ; Judgment | ; Juicio | ; Justice | ; Justicia | ; Majestad y Poder | ; Majesty and Power | ; Mañana | ; Morning | ; Praise | ; Promesa de Dios | ; Promise of God | ; Rites of the Church | Eucharist; Ritos de la Iglesia | Eucaristía; Salvación | ; Salvation | ; Second Coming | ; Segunda Venida | ; Solemnidades del Señor | Jesucristo, Rey del Universo; Solemnities of the Lord | Christ the King; Song | ; Tiempo de Navidad |
Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #509