1 Bravely chime, O Easter bells,
From their sleep let all awaken;
Christ is risen, loud it swells,
"Death is vanquished, earth is shaken!"
Bravely from your belfry ring,
"Christ is risen, Christ the King."
2 ’Twas but yester-eve He lay
In the garden, calmly sleeping,
’Twas but at the break of day
Faithful Mary sought Him, weeping,
In the solemn garden ground,
Loving much, she sought and found.
3 Where the golden lily-heads
Heavy with the dews are bending,
Where the fragrant cedar spreads,
Who, along the path, is wending?
"Mary!" ’twas the only word—
Then she knew it was the Lord.
4 Tell, O bells of Easter tide,
How, from winter’s sleep awaking,
Earth hath laid her shroud aside:
Streams their icy bonds are breaking,
Leaflets swell, and glad birds sing,
Thankful hymns to Heaven’s King.
5 Brightest buds and flowers today
Show the world that Christ is risen,
And by symbols teach the way
That we too shall burst our prison.
Loudly then the tidings ring,
"Christ has conquered, Christ is king."
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8618