1 Blest Lord, when darkness veils the skies,
Prevent the slumber of my eyes;
Till bowed before the king of kings,
I ask myself the following things.
2 Where have I been, what have I done?
To what new follies have I run?
Have I observed each rising thought;
And done the things which God hath taught?
3 Do secret thoughts and actions prove
My love to God who reigns above?
Do my affections rise on high,
As days and nights successive fly?
4 Do I rejoice in that wise plan,
Which governs all the affairs of man?
Gives life, and health, and joy, and rest,
Or sends affliction when 'tis best?
5 And when God's holy law I hear,
Does it alarm my heart with fear?
Or does it sweetly rule within,
And make me hate and fly from sin?
6 Lord, help me see and try my heart,
And search me through in every part;
Cleanse me from sin and warm my love,
Thus fit me for the world above.
The Hartford Selection of Hymns from the most approved authors, 1799