1 Blest are the eyes that see;
The ears are bless'd that hear
The trumpet of the jubilee,
The great sabbatic year.
2 We plough, nor sow no more,
Nor toil for living bread;
For we've a never failing S=store,
A table plent'ous spread.
3 The servant now is free;
The hateful, heavy yoke
(That all might taste true liberty)
From ev'ry neck is broke.
4 Th'inheritance once sold,
Which the poor bankrupt mourns,
To the true owner without gold,
Or price, it now returns.
5 O Jesus! ever blest,
Thou art our jubilee;
Our restoration, and our rest,
Is all, dear Lamb, in thee.
6 Thy name, O bleeding king,
Shall dwell on all our tongues;
And ev'ry heart, inspir'd, shall sing
Thy praise in all their songs.
7 Worthy the honour'd name
Of Jesus Christ our Lord;
He's God Almighty, and the Lamb,
Eternally ador'd.
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #XXXVII