1 Blessed words of Jesus, like a rainbow bright,
Gleaming thro' the shadows with a fadeless light;
Riches of the kingdom always kept in store,
Golden keys that open wide the glory door.
Blessed words that never fail those on them depending!
Wings of hope that bear us upward, to his throne ascending!
Grant us grace, almighty God, may we prize each hallow'd page
Shining still with endless glory, age to age.
2 Blessed words of Jesus, ready for each need,
From his royal bounty, manna sweet indeed!
Leaves of balm and healing for each sin-sick soul,
From the great Physician who can death control. [Chorus]
3 Blessed words of Jesus, ocean-depths of love,
Boundless, ever flowing from the Lord above;
Comfort for each sorrow, joy for days of light,
Stars that gleam with brightness thro' the darkest night. [Chorus]
Source: The Voice of Praise: a compilation of the very best sacred songs for use in Sunday Schools and praise services #125