1 Blessèd Savior, Thou didst suffer
Little ones to come to Thee.
Lo! we offer now our tribute,
Let our praise accepted be;
’Mid the hallelujahs ringing,
’Mid the burst of angel song,
Stoop to hear our childish singing,
Listen to an infant throng.
2 For a cry of deepest sorrow
Comes across the waters blue:
Ye who know salvation’s story,
Haste to help and save us, too;
Shed, oh, shed the Gospel glory
O’er the darkness of our night,
Till the gloomy shadows vanish
In its full and blessèd light.
3 For the poor benighted millions
We can give and work and pray,
And our gifts and prayers united,
Sure will speed that happy day,
When, no more to idols bowing,
All shall own our Jesus king,
And ten thousand voices ringing
Shall His praise victorious sing.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9644