1 Blessed Sabbath Home, within thy walls
We have meet to worship now;
Here love’s gifts we bring to our Savior, King,
At whose holy feet we bow.
Blessed Sabbath Home, happy Sabbath home!
Here we meet in bonds divine;
Blessed Sabbath Home; happy Sabbath Home,
What a hallowed peace is thine.
2 Blessed Sabbath Home, how oft our hearts
Turn with longing unto thee;
Where the wings of praise our glad souls upraise,
That we nearer Christ may be. [Refrain]
3 Blessed Sabbath Home, thy pleasures dear,
Are a foretaste of our joy;
When our souls shall meet in the bliss complete
That will never know alloy. [Refrain]
4 When we leave for aye this Sabbath Home,
With its many sacred ties;
In triumphant song with the saintly throng,
May we join beyond the skies. [Refrain]
Source: Gospel Herald in Song #162