1 Blessed Redeemer, I love Thee so well,
Thy great salvation I never can tell;
Glory to God! it is precious, I know,
Washing me whiter than snow.
Jesus is stilling the tempest and storm;
Jesus is stilling the tempest and the storm.
2 Oh, it is wonderful how I am blest,
In His pavilion forever at rest;
Trusting, believing, He saith, “Peace, be still”;
Now I repose in His will. [Refrain]
3 Christ is our Captain, He’ll pilot us o’er
Life’s raging sea, to that bright, happy shore;
’Mid the rough billows, though fast they may come,
Safely He’ll gather us home. [Refrain]
4 Like a fond mother who stilleth her child,
Jesus doth say to that dark ocean wild,
“Cease from thy trouble, I say, peace, be still,”
And it obeyeth His will. [Refrain]
5 Hear the great Pilot the ocean command,
Wondrous the pow’r of Emmanuel’s hand;
Be thou not fearful, though breakers should roar,
Jesus is guiding us o’er. [Refrain]
Select Hymns, 1911 (Timeless Truths)