1 Blessed Jesus, O I need Thee,
Friends of earth cannot avail;
Love divine alone can save me,
Human love is weak and frail.
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,
Thou hast done so much for me,
Now believing on Thy promise,
Lord, I give myself to Thee.
2 I am trusting in Thy promise,
Humbly kneeling at Thy feet;
Touch me with Thy hand of mercy,
Make my broken heart complete. [Refrain]
3 Cruel stripes were laid upon Thee,
More than Thy dear form could bear;
There was none to share Thy sorrow,
Or to shed a pitying tear. [Refrain]
4 And if One so high and holy,
Could stoop down so low for me,
I will make a full surrender,
Thine forevermore to be. [Refrain]
5 I will love Thee, I will serve Thee,
Till at last my soul shall stand
In the presence of Thy glory,
When I cross the borderland. [Refrain]
Source: Glad Tidings in Song #209