Display Title: We Are the Light of the World (Somos dle Mundo la Luz) First Line: Blessed are they who are poor in spirit (Dichosos son los de un espíritu pobre) Tune Title: [Blessed are they who are poor in spirit] Author: Jean A. Greif, 1898-1981; Ronald F. Krisman, b. 1946 Scripture: Matthew 5:3-11; Matthew 5:14-16 Date: 2013 Subject: Bendición | ; Blessing | ; Easter Season | ; Evangelización | ; Evangelization | ; Holiness | ; Humildad | ; Humility | ; Justice | ; Justicia | ; Light | ; Luz | ; Mercy | ; Misericordia | ; Misión | ; Mission | ; Paz | ; Peace | ; Petition/Prayer | ; Pobreza | ; Poverty | ; Preocupación Social | ; Santidad | ; Social Concern | ; Súplica/Oración | ; Tiempo de Pascua |
Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song #494