1 Bishop of souls, regard our cry,
Our faithful guide with strength supply,
And hide his life above;
The teacher teach, the leader lead,
The pastor every moment feed
With Thy sufficient love.
2 His hands confirm, his breast inspire,
And touch his lips with hallowed fire,
That zeal of charity;
That apostolic spir’t impart,
And make him after Thy own heart,
And count him worthy Thee.
3 Harden to adamant his brow,
His wisdom and his mouth be Thou,
His might invincible:
Arm him in all the arms divine,
Send forth this messenger of Thine
To shake the gates of hell.
4 Thy power be in his weakness seen,
A spectacle to fiends and men,
Support him with Thy mind:
Nor let the pastor die for want,
Nor let the standard bearer faint,
Assailed by all mankind.
5 Be with him in that darkest hour,
When hell exerts its utmost power
Thy minister to oppress;
Reviled, forsaken and betrayed,
In all things like his master made,
Yet kept in perfect peace.
6 When every human friend is fled,
Stand by him at his greatest need,
Nor suffer him to fear;
Strongly upheld by Thee alone,
To make the preaching fully known
That all the world may hear.
7 Unto Thy heav’nly kingdom keep,
And grant him there in joy to reap
What He in tears did sow;
Late to Thy paradise remove,
And let him to his throne above
In glorious triumph go.
8 When ready to be offered up,
Give him to speak th’immortal hope
That fills his swelling heart:
“Now lettest Thou Thy servant, Lord,
According to Thy faithful Word
In perfect peace depart.
9 "The long, good fight I fought and won,
I all my course on earth have run,
And passed my mourning days;
Have kept the faith by Jesus giv’n,
And haste to my reward in Heav’n,
A crown of righteousness.
10 "That glorious wreath which now I see,
The Lord, the righteous Judge on me
Shall at that day bestow,
On me, and all my brethren here,
Who long to see my Lord appear,
And love His work below."
11 So be it, Lord, for whom we stay,
O haste the long expected day,
And call our friend to share,
The heav’nly joy of saints deceased,
And let us all with him be blessed,
And die to meet him there!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11479