1 Beloved of Jesus, go forth and God speed thee!
Be swift in His name till the end of the days!
Let Christ, the great leader, omnipotent lead thee—
His kingdom thy boast, and His glory thy praise!
Arise and be doing! Above and around thee,
The ranks of the ransomed in panoply teem;
Be valiant in service, for Jesus hath crowned thee,
A servant of many, to save and redeem.
2 To action! delay not! thy mission, salvation;
The grace of thy going each gateway unbars;
Win souls for the day of the King’s coronation;
The ones who turn many shall shine as the stars. [Refrain]
3 O, haste thee, nor tarry! stay not for the morrow!
Jehovah, our God, thy defense and thy might;
Bear light into darkness, and joy unto sorrow;
Be firm and be fearless, for God and the right. [Refrain]
4 O, faint not, nor falter, tho’ burdens oppress thee;
Thy buckler and shield the immaculate word;
His power and the spirit of conquest possess thee,
Thy war cry and watchword—
The world for the Lord. [Refrain]
Source: The Finest of the Wheat No. 3 #90