1 Behold the Savior of the world,
He came to make us free,
The chain of sin and vice He’ll break,
And give us liberty;
He’ll make us true, He’ll make us pure,
He’ll make us good and wise;
He’ll take us home to dwell with Him
In mansions in the skies.
2 Behold the Savior of the world,
Bring all your woe and care,
Come kneel before His throne today
And leave your burden there;
Upon the cross He died for you,
Your sins He will forgive,
Oh, trust in Him who loves you well,
He’ll teach you how to live.
3 Behold the Savior of the world,
His care is over all;
He plants the blossoms at our feet,
He heeds the sparrow’s fall;
Oh, come to Him, He calls to you
With gentle loving voice,
He is a friend both kind and true,
Behold Him and rejoice.
Source: Sunshine No. 2: songs for the Sunday school #66