1 Behold, mighty angels are flying,
All chosen and faithful and called,
To rescue the dead and the dying,
In Babylon cages enthralled.
The ransomed are homeward returning,
With joy everlasting and songs,
Long ages in Egypt sojourning,
Held bound in the fetters and thongs.
2 The “evening” is light as the “morning,”
The clouds are all vanished away;
The Bride in white raiment adorning,
God’s remnant in battle array.
The saints are now joyful in glory,
Rehearsing, again and again,
The wonderful, wonderful story,
The love of the Lamb that was slain.
3 The armies of heav’n are advancing,
They follow the Faithful and True,
On fiery “white horses” they’re prancing,
The armies of hell to subdue.
The “beast” and his image are fighting,
Defending their creeds and their cliques,
Sectarian foes are uniting,
Six hundred and sixty and six.
4 While Jesus the battle is waging
’Gainst Babel-confusion and sin,
And Satan is foaming and raging,
Our Savior is reigning within.
The wolf and the lamb and the lion,
Made one in the dear Savior’s love,
Are feeding together in Zion,
As pure as in heaven above.
5 And when this great battle is ended,
When Jesus shall come for His own,
By myriads of angels attended,
We’ll meet ’round our Father’s white throne,
And part nevermore, never, never;
With loved ones and saved ones we’ll sing,
And praise Him forever and ever,
Our Savior, our God, and our King.
Source: Timeless Truths #200