1. Behold! how good it proves!
How charming is the sight!
When brethren, dwell in love
In firmest bonds, unite;
When all agree
To act their part,
As with one heart,
In charity.
2. It's like the precious oil,
That casts a fragrant smell,
Which poured on Aaron's head,
A down his locks it fell;
From thence it shed
It's trickling globes,
On's priestly robes,
And odors spread.
3. So the refreshing dews,
From Hermon's top, that flow.
Or rowl down Sion's mount,
Revive the plains below:
Jehovah there
His bliss ordains,
With life that reigns
For ever fair.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752