1 Behold a little Child
Laid in a manger bed,
The wintry blasts blow wild . . .
Around His infant head;
But who is this so lowly laid?
'Tis He by whom the worlds were made.
2 Alas! in what poor state
The Son of God is seen;
Why doth the Lord so great
Choose out a home so mean?
That we may learn from pride to flee,
And follow His humility.
3 Where Joseph plies his trade,
Lo! Jesus labours too;
The hands that all things made
An earthly craft pursue,
That weary men on Him may rest,
And faithful toil in Him be blest.
4 Among the doctors see
The Boy so full of grace:
Say, wherefore taketh He
The scholar's lowly place?
That Christian boys with reverence meet
May sit and learn at Jesus' feet.
5 Christ! once Thyself a boy,
Our boyhood guard and guide;
Be Thou its light and joy,
And still with us abide;
That Thy dear love, so great, so free,
May draw us evermore to Thee.
Source: Voices of Praise: for school and church and home #55
First Line: | Behold a little Child, Laid in a manger bed |
Author: | William Walsham How |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |