1 Beautiful flag of liberty, beautiful flag we love,
Float afar o’er the land and the sea,
Proudly wave in colors bright,
Thou starry standard of the noble free;
Thou beamest the glory of fair Columbia’s home,
Thou shinest the light of the lands beyond the foam,
O, flag so free,
We stand for thee,
When strike the bolts of war, and flash the sabres bright.
Thou beamest the glory of fair Columbia’s home,
Thou shinest the light of the lands beyond the foam;
For thee we stand, thou ensign fair of truth and right.
2 Beautiful flag of liberty, beautiful flag we love,
O’er the free thou forever shalt wave;
Fall, ye crowns, ye thrones decay;
‘Twas God to thee thy hues eternal gave;
Float on, O, thou banner of freedom wide unfurled,
Float on, O, thou symbol of justice, o’er the world,
O, flag so free,
We stand for thee,
When strike the bolts of war, and flash the sabres bright.
Float on, O, thou banner of freedom wide unfurled,
Float on, O, thou symbol of justice, o’er the world;
For thee we stand, thou ensign fair of truth and right.
O flag of liberty, float on,
O, flag of liberty,
Beautiful flag of liberty.
Source: Hymns for Today: for Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies, The Church, The Home, Community Welfare Associations, and Patriotic Meetings #271