1 Bearing the fruit of the Spirit,
Gentleness, meekness and love,
Thus we are following Jesus
Up to the mansions above.
Scattering blessings and sunshine,
Cheering the sad and the lone,
Then when the Master shall call us,
Sure of a glad welcome home.
2 Casting out all evil passions,
Envy and hatred and strife,
Walking with Jesus in spirit,
Pure in our everyday life. [Refrain]
3 Helping to bear others’ burdens,
Heeding the law of our God;
Thus would He teach us to follow
Pathways our dear Savior trod. [Refrain]
4 Sending our prayers and our praises
Up to our Father on high;
Sowing the seed in our weakness,
Reaping will come by and by. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #12536