1 Be still, O heart! why fear and tremble?
What evil can thy steps betide?
Though foes, a mighty host, assemble,
Fear not, for God is on thy side.
Be still, O heart!
What evil can betide thee?
Fear not, fear not,
With God to walk beside thee.
2 Be still, O heart! the Lord of glory
Was once a man acquaint with grief:
He stoops to hear—tell all thy story—
He loves, He cares, He’ll send relief. [Refrain]
3 Be still, O heart! cease fearing, fretting
About the future all unknown;
Ne’er think the Master is forgetting
About His child—His loved and own. [Refrain]
4 Be still, O heart! thy Lord will send thee
The clouds or sunshine as is best;
His own right hand shall e’er defend thee;
Then trust His love, and be at rest. [Refrain]
Source: Sacred Songs No. 2 #109