1 Be still and trust! For whatever God ordains is right;
His will is just, as the morning surely follows night.
He is our god, we shall not fall,
So on this changeless truth we rest, whate'er befall.
He knows our ev'ry sorrow,
He sends with joy the morrow;
With light divine revealing His presence ever near.
So then on him relying,
To him in danger flying,
From him no tho't concealing,
We know that he is ever near.
2 Our God is true! On his word our faith we strong shall build;
Whate'er we do, O may ev'ry heart with truth be filled
Tho' dark the road, he is our God,
His Son thro' all our dreary way himself hath trod. [Chorus]
3 Our God is just! And whatever he may send receive,
And fully trust One who never can his own deceive.
Tears pass away with dawn of day,
So rest content, his smile shall drive our grief away. [Chorus]