Display Title: Psalm 46 (A Responsorial Setting) First Line: Be still and know that I am God Tune Title: [Be still and know that I am God Author: John L. Bell Scripture: Psalm 46 Date: 2012 Subject: Assurance | ; Biblical Names and Places | Jacob; Church Year | Advent; Church Year | Baptism of the Lord; Daily Prayer | Evening Prayer; Earth | ; Fear | ; Freedom from Fear | ; God as | Creator; God as | Refuge; God as | Shield; God's | Armor; God's | Deeds; God's | Nearness; God's | Presence; God's | Protection; God's | Strength; God's | Wonders; Hymns of Praise | ; Mission | ; Occasional Services | New Year; Peace | ; People of God / Church | Renewal; People of God / Church | Witnessing; Prayer | ; Songs of Zion | ; Suffering | ; Victory | ; War and Revolution | ; Witness | ; Year A, B, C, Easter, Easter vigil | ; Year A, Ordinary Time after Pentecost, May 29-June 4 (if after Trinity Sunday) | ; Year C, Reign of Christ, November 20-26 | Source: Evangelical Lutheran Worship (Psalm text)
Psalms for All Seasons #46D(alt1)