1 Be not swift to go ere the path you know,
Stop awhile, your strength renew;
In communion sweet at the mercy-seat,
Ask the Lord what you should do.
Stop, look and listen,
As you walk upon life’s way,
Stop, look and listen,
Lest your feet may go astray;
If you fail to tell the story
You may miss your crown in glory.
Stop, look and listen,
Till the Saviour’s voice you hear.
2 Look away from all that may cause your fall,
Counting earthly things but loss;
There’s a Friend that’s near, He will help and cheer,
Tho’ your way leads by the cross. [Chorus]
3 Listen hour by hour for His voice of pow’r,
Let His Word abide in you;
Open heart and ear His commands to hear,
Take His orders straight and true. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #36