1 Be it according to Thy word,
Merciful unto all, O Lord.
Be merciful to me:
Avert the wrath I deprecate,
Nor crush me with Thy judgments weight,
Who would return to Thee,
Who would return to Thee.
2 Thy wrath shall not forever last,
If pained at my pollutions past,
I groan to be made clean:
And lo, I now with grief confess
My inward parts are wickedness.
And all my life is sin,
And all my life is sin.
3 I have mine idols multiplied,
Before the shrine of self and pride
With vile devotion fell;
Followed where'er the tempter led,
And by each beastly, devilish deed
Debased my soul to hell,
Debased my soul to hell.
4 My heart was hardened from Thy fear,
Thy warning voice I would not hear.
But cast Thy words behind:
Yet for my Saviour's sake forgive;
And in Thy mercy's arms receive
Our whole apostate kind,
Our whole apostate kind.
Source: The A.M.E. Zion Hymnal: official hymnal of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church #400