1 Be a front rank christian, never fail to take your place,
To His blessed kingdom God has called you by His grace;
Jesus is your Leader and your banner is God’s love,
Be a front rank christian, set your face t’ward heav’n above.
Be a front rank christian,
Be a front rank christian,
In the face of danger,
Faithful prove each day,
Be a front rank christian,
Be a front rank christian,
Be a front rank christian,
Never cease to watch and pray.
2 Be a front rank christian, always out and out for God,
With a steadfast purpose daily follow Christ your Lord;
Never cease a moment in your fight against all sin,
‘Tis the front rank christian who the crown of life shall win. [Chorus]
3 Be a front rank christian, never hesitate to go
Where your duty calls you, in the face of any foe;
God is surely with you, ev’ry need He will supply,
In the name of Jesus you may ev’ry foe defy. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #116