1 Away to the forest glade!
Spread by our Father's hand;
Its silent depths of grateful shade
Invites our merry band.
No task in books,
But lessons from brooks!
No leave but those from the maple's bough,
And those we weave for the laughing brow.
2 Thanks, thanks for the grateful boon!
We bid farewell to care,
While here, beneath the sultry noon,
We breathe this cooling air.
No task in books,
But lessons from brooks!
No leaves but those from the maple's bough,
And those we weave for the laughing brow.
3 One day from our toils we take,
One day to life we give,
One pleasant hour, for mem'ry's sake,
To tell us that we live!
No task in books,
But lessons from brooks!
No leaves but those from the maple's bough,
And those we weave for the laughing brow.
Source: The Silver Chime: a cluster of Sabbath school melodies, tunes, sentences, chants, etc., for the use of children and teachers in their school exercises, devotions, and recreations, to which is added... #84