1 Away, my doubts, be gone, my fear,
The wonders of the Lord appear,
The wonders that my Savior wrought;
O how delightful is the thought!
2 The wonders of redeeming love,
When first my heart was drawn above;
When first I saw my Savior’s face,
And triumphed in His pardoning grace.
3 Pursue, my thoughts, this pleasing theme,
’Twas not a fancy nor a dream;
’Twas grace descending from the skies,
And shall be marvelous in my eyes.
4 Long had I mourned, like one forgot,
Long had my soul for comfort fought,
Jesus was witness to my tears,
And Jesus sweetly calmed my fears.
5 He cleansed my soul, He changed my dress,
And clothed me with His righteousness:
He spoke at once my sins forgiv’n,
And I rejoiced as if in Heav’n.
6 How was I struck with sweet surprise,
While glory shone before my eyes!
How did I sing from day to day,
And wished to sing my soul away!
7 The world with all its pomp withdrew,
’Twas less than nothing in my view;
Redeeming love was all my theme,
And life appeared an idle dream.
8 I gloried in my Savior’s grace;
I sang my great Redeemer’s praise;
My soul now longed to soar away,
And leave her tenement of clay.
9 The powers of hell in vain combined
To tempt or interrupt my mind;
I saw, and sang in joyful strains,
The monster Satan held in chains.
10 These are the wonders I record,
The marvelous goodness of the Lord;
O for a tongue to speak His praise,
To tell the triumphs of His grace!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8686
First Line: | Away my doubts, begone my fears |
Title: | Away, My Doubts, Begone, My Fear |
Author: | Susanna Harrison |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |