1 Away beyond the stars which the midnight sky unfolds,
There are scenes of rarest beauty, and palaces of gold;
And o’er that lovely prospect there falls no winter’s snow,
There warblers sing in endless spring,
O brother, will you go?
There warblers sing in endless spring,
O brother, will you go?
2 There are cities rich in grandeur inviting you to come,
And who can tell the wealth of a heav’nly city home?
Its rural scenes, its mansions, its crystal streams that flow,
All, all are free for you and me,
O brother, will you go?
All, all are free for you and me,
O brother, will you go?
3 There leap the lame for joy, there the blind receive their sight;
There ears long closed to sound will be ravished with delight;
There tongues that never uttered a sentence here below,
Burst into song thro’ ages long,
O brother, will you go?
Burst into song thro’ ages long,
O brother, will you go?
Source: Give Thanks and Sing: for use in all religious meetings #78