1 Awake! dear soul, awake!
Behold what Jesus brings;
For lo, he hath appeared
With healing in his wings.
Yes, Jesus is the same today
As when he went from earth away;
He heals the sick, the blind, the lame,
Oh, glory to his name!
2 ‘Twas long ago he came,
This Savior of mankind;
He proved his pow’r to heal
The sick, the lame, the blind. [Refrain]
3 We know that man has taught
The day of healing’s past;
But Jesus’ word is true,
And will forever last. [Refrain]
4 His pow’r does not decline,
Nor fades his love away;
As in the olden time,
He lives and heals today. [Refrain]
Source: Truth in Song: for General Gospel Work #105