1 Awake, awake, O heart, and sing!
The Lord is ris’n today!
Behold a gleam of angel wings;
The stone is rolled away!
Awake, awake, O heart, and sing!
The gloom of death is o’er;
Bright angels haste the news to bring,
“He lives forevermore!”
Awake from thy slumber,
Morn now is dawning;
Jesus, the victor,
Comes from the conquered tomb.
O sing forth a welcome,
Sing songs the sweetest;
Jesus hath risen!
He lives forevermore!
2 No longer death has cruel sway;
A light surrounds the grave!
All hail the joy of Easter day;
The Lord is strong to save!
Awake, O heart, the morn is bright,
All doubt and fear is o’er!
The Lord is ris’n in power and might,
He lives forevermore! [Refrain]
3 Awake and hail with heart and voice
The message of these hours!
With all the wak’ning earth rejoice;
Be glad with birds and flowers.
Behold the joyous Easter day
That brings the news to earth
Of Easter morning far away,
When life from death had birth. [Refrain]
Source: The Service of Praise #174