Organ Medium Difficulty Christmas Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $25.00 for Organ
"Tis the Season" for this new and exciting collection of Christmas Carols all of which will be easily recognized and loved by your congregation. ôCarols of the Angels" consists of nine a… | |
Handbells Sheet Music Shipped by Hope Publishing $20.95 3 oct. Collection
Arrangement By Zabel, Albert, Jr. Song List-- Austria, Coronation, Cwm Rhondda, Dix, Duke Street, Hyfrydol, Hymn to Joy, Lancashire, Lobe den Herren, Nicaea, Regent Square, Span… | |
Trombone Sheet Music Shipped by Hope Publishing $26.95 Designed to be used with congregational singing. The descants are for Bass Clef instruments. Note: Hope products can only be shipped within the U.S. currently. | |
Handbells Sheet Music Christmas Shipped by Hope Publishing $20.95 Created with the beginning choir in mind, these are readily accessible arrangements of Christmas favorites for 2-octave choirs. Full and dynamic chords coupled with appealing arrangements characterize… | |
Handbells Medium Difficulty Sheet Music Christmas File download from Hope Publishing $6.25 Cynthia Dobrinski's, "Angels from the Realms," features a big introduction followed by a rung melody accompanied by malleted staccatos. The transition and softer verse two includes echoes, mallet roll… | |
Handbells Easy Sheet Music Christmas File download from Hope Publishing $20.95 Created with the beginning choir in mind, these are readily accessible arrangements of Christmas favorites for for 2- or 3-octave choirs. Full and dynamic chords coupled with appealing arrangements ch… | |
Organ Moderately Easy Christmas Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $18.00 Christmas Season. Everybody's favorites and more! Uniquely colorful and imaginative. 23 hymns/26 settings. Printed on heavy stock single sheets.
Organ Thanksgiving Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $34.95 Just beginning? Trying to make the leap from piano to organ? Looking to refresh your repertoire without committing to hours of practice? This ninety-six page, spiral-bound collection of preludes, offe… | |
Organ Congregation Handbells Moderately Easy Christmas Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $15.00 Enhances the congregation's "song." Nine improvised accompaniments (3 per set) for hymns/carols of the Advent, Christmas, Epiphany seasons. All three seasons represented in each set. Creative, fres… | |
Organ Congregation Timpani Brass Moderately Easy Christmas Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $40.00 The third edition of the highly successful series of Congregational Hymn Accompaniments. Optional soprano descants as well as reproducable instrument parts are included. Choir and congregation to sing… |