Representative Text
1 As the deer longs for streams of water,
so my soul seeks God the lord to know;
all day long, men ask in scorn to see you
and my tears in deepest anguish flow.
2 O my soul, why are you discouraged?
God in mercy hears your anxious prayer;
though his waves and breakers have engulfed me,
I will dwell on God's protecting care!
3 O my God, safe and certain stronghold,
why do you seem often far away?
Send your truth and light, and as they guide me
hear my songs of worship night and day!
4 O my soul, why are you discourage?
Why should you, so nurtured by his love,
be dismayed and so downcast within me?
I will praise my Saviour God above!
(This is the only representative text available.)
^ topAdapter: Paul Wigmore

Born 1925, London. Schools in Harrow, Bushey Heath and Barnstaple (N Devon). Many occupations between the ages of 14 and 42: apprentice mechanical engineer, shop assistant, junior clerk, photo lab trainee, National Service RAF photographer in India, Burma and UK, Kodak medical radiographer and haematology lab technician, then technical author. Publications and PR manager with air/sea lifesaving equipment manufacturer. PRO for the Christian Medical College and Brown Memorial Hospital, Ludhiana, Punjab. Freelance writer, graphic designer and photographer in Cambridge. Advertising editor and art director with Kodak UK from 1967 to early retirement in 1985.
Wrote first verse at age ten in Port Isaac, Cornwall, getting as far as:
Clouds ra…
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