1 As I read God’s wondrous message,
Telling of His only Son,
Who on Calv’ry died to ransom
Souls despairing and undone;
It was written by the prophet,
In the name of our great King,
And because His word included me,
I’ll never cease to sing.
“I have redeemed thee, I have redeemed thee,
I have called thee by thy name,”
“I have redeemed thee, I have redeemed thee,”
His promise I now claim;
Wondrous message of salvation,
I read it and I know
That altho’ my sins were crimson red,
He’s washed them white as snow.
2 As I read the message over,
Oh, it means so much to me!
How such wondrous grace was offered
And His love so full could be;
Tho’ I do not understand it,
Yet His promise I now claim;
For “I have redeemed thee” is His word,
I’ll trust in His great name. [Refrain]
3 O’er this message I would ponder,
How it does my heart inspire!
It was wondrous condescension,
To redeem me from the mire;
And He freely my transgressions
As a “thick cloud blotted out;”
I will praise, adore and love Him more,
His word I cannot doubt. [Refrain]
4 Why in burning deserts wander?
Why by sin deluded be?
There is grace and pow’r to help you,
And from all sin make you free;
Would you know this full redemption,
A life clean, without, within?
You must take the straight and narrow way,
And o’er all evil win. [Refrain]
Source: Glad Tidings in Song #152