As by one's sin fell all our kin

Representative Text

1 As by one's sin fell all our kin,
Conceived and born sin-stained,
So by One's grace, who took the place
Of all, are all regained,
Of all, are all regained.

2 The blood-red tide from Christ's cleft side,
Shed for the good of all,
Is laver pure to cleanse and cure
All lost in Adam's fall,
All lost in Adam's fall.

3 Of it are born, though once forlorn,
The saints in Him baptized;
Its life receive all who believe
That Jesus is the Christ,
That Jesus is the Christ.

4 His righteousness is crown and dress
Of those who own Him Lord,
Who, sin-oppressed, find in Him rest
And keep His faithful Word,
And keep His faithful Word.

5 To God be praise through endless days,
In whom we live and move,
God--Father, Son and Spirit--One,
The Triune God of Love!
The Triune God of Love!


Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #135

Author: E. Cronenwett

Cronenwett, Emmanuel, a Lutheran Pastor at Butler, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., contributed to the Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal, Published by Order of the Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Ohio and other States, 1880, in addition to 20 translations from the German, the following original hymns, some of which rank with the best in the collection:— 1. A holy state is wedded life. Domestic Worship. 2. Faith is wisdom from on high. Faith. 3. Heavenly Father, Jesus taught us. Prayer. 4. Lord, Thine omniscience I adore. Omniscience. 5. O Triune God, Thy blessing great. Domestic Worship. 6. Of omniscient grace I sing. Omniscience. 7. Of Zion's honour angels sing. Ordination. 8. The precepts of the word are pure.… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: As by one's sin fell all our kin
Author: E. Cronenwett
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain


ST. PETER (Reinagle)

Composed by Alexander R. Reinagle (b. Brighton, Sussex, England, 1799; d. Kidlington, Oxfordshire, England, 1877), ST. PETER was published as a setting for Psalm 118 in Reinagle's Psalm Tunes for the Voice and Pianoforte (c. 1836). The tune first appeared with Newton's text in Hymns Ancient and Mode…

Go to tune page >

COWPER (Mason)




Instances (1 - 5 of 5)
TextPage Scan

American Lutheran Hymnal #135

TextPage Scan

American Lutheran Hymnal #136

TextPage Scan

Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal #248

TextPage Scan

Evangelical Lutheran hymnal #248

TextPage Scan

Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal. 9th ed. #a248

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