1 Arise, my tenderest thoughts, arise;
To torrents melt, my streaming eyes;
And thou, my heart, with anguish feel
Those evils which thou canst not heal.
2 See human nature sunk in shame;
See scandals poured on Jesus' name;
The Father wounded thro' the Son;
The world abused, the soul undone.
3 My God, I feel the mournful scene;
My spirit yearns o'er dying men;
And fain my pity would reclaim
And snatch the firebrands from the flame.
4 But feeble my compassion proves,
And can but weep where most it loves;
Thy own all-saving arm employ,
And turn these drops of grief to joy.
Source: International Song Service: with Bright Gems from fifty authors, for Sunday-schools, gospel meetings, missionary and young people's societies, prayer-meetings, etc. #206
First Line: | Arise, my tenderest thoughts, arise |
Title: | Grieving For the Transgressors |
Author: | Philip Doddridge |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |
Arise, my tenderest thoughts, arise. P. Doddridge. [Sorrow because of Sin.] Written, June 10, 1739, on the text, Ps. cxix. 158 ["Doddrige Manuscript"] and first published in J. Orton's edition of Doddridge's Hymns, &c, 1755, unaltered, in 5 stanzas of 4 lines and headed, "Beholding Transgressors with Grief." Also repeated in J. D. Humphreys's edition of Doddridge, 1839. It came into common use at an early date, both in the Church of England and amongst the Nonconformists, and is still retained in numerous collections in Great Britain and America. It is a powerful and strongly worded hymn of the older type, and is suited for use on behalf of missions.
-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)