1 Arise, great God, and let Thy grace
Its beams effuse on Jacob’s race:
Restore the long lost scattered band,
And call them to their native land.
2 Their misery let Thy mercy heal,
Their trespass hide, their pardon seal;
Check in mid-course Thy dreadful ire,
And bid its kindled flames expire!
3 O grant them still Thy love to share;
Incline Thine ear, accept our prayer;
Cleanse them from unbelief and sin,
And gather, too, the Gentiles in.
4 How long shall Jacob’s offspring prove
The sad suspension of Thy love?
Say, shall Thy wrath perpetual burn?
And wilt Thou ne’er, appeased, return?
5 Thy quickening Spirit now impart,
And wake to joy each grateful heart,
While Israel’s rescued tribes in Thee
Their bliss and full salvation see!
6 No longer, heavenly Sire, delay,
Thy wonted mercy now display,
And let Thy all disposing will
Thy people’s steadfast hope fulfill.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8184