1 Are you tired of sinning,
Loathing it today?
Do you want your heart made clean?
Jesus is the Way.
Come to Jesus, lost one;
O, no longer roam;
He in pity waits to bless,
Calling you, come home.
2 Are the chains drawn closer,
Would you be made free?
Come to Jesus, ling'ring one,
He will save e'en thee. [Chorus]
3 Do you doubt his promise?
Put it to the test:
He has said, "Come unto me,
I will give you rest." [Chorus]
4 Yes, his blood can cleanse you,
Wash you from each sin:
From your heart no longer keep,
Bid him enter in. [Chorus]
5 Why not answer quickly,
"Saviour dear, I hear;
I receive thy wondrous love,
I will trust, not fear." [Chorus]
Source: The Golden Sheaf: a collection of choice hymns and songs especially designed for Sunday schools, loyal worker's meetings, prayer and social services (Enl. ed.) #105