1 Are you shining for the Master?
Are you shining ev’ry day?
Are you walking in the straight and narrow way?
Are you shining midst the trials
That the Master sends your way?
Are you shining for the Master ev’ry day?
You will shine, of course you’ll shine;
If Jesus keeps you polished, you will shine;
‘Mid the trying scenes of life,
Midst the turmoil and the strife,
If you really have the blessing you will shine.
2 Are you shining for the Master?
Is His love-light in your eye?
Can the people see it as they pass you by?
When ‘tis hard to bear the burden,
You’ll not give up in despair;
If you really have the blessing you will shine. [Chorus]
3 You may never pray like Peter,
You may never preach like Paul,
To a life of public service not be called;
But the Lord is searching daily
For devoted, humble souls;
He can polish with His power till they’ll shine. [Chorus]
4 Are you ready for His coming?
If you are, you’ll surely shine,
For it’s only those who shine will enter in.
Is your heart made pure and holy?
Are you cleansed from inbred sin?
If you really have the blessing you will shine. [Chorus]
Source: Inspiring Gospel Solos and Duets No. 1 #66