1 Are you ready? Are you ready?
If the Son of man should come?
Would you hear His commendation,
In those blessed words, “Well done?’
For He says that He is coming,
On His awful throne of state;
O how blest will be that servant
Who doth for His coming wait!
Are you ready? Are you ready?
With a lamp that’s burning bright?
Be ye ready! Be ye ready!
For—perhaps He’ll come tonight.
2 Have you listened to His counsel
And obeyed His gracious word?
Are your loins all girded ready
To go out to meet the Lord?
If He came, would He now find you,
With a lamp that’s burning bright?
Would you gladly hear the summons
If He called for you tonight? [Refrain]
3 Would He gird Himself and bid you
With His faithful ones sit down?
Would He deign, Himself, to deck you
With a glitt’ring, fadeless crown?
Since you know not when He’s coming,—
With your lamp well filled and bright,
Be ye ready for His presence,
For the Lord may come tonight. [Refrain]
Source: Honey Out of the Rock: a compilation of sacred songs and hymns for use in gospel meetings and other religious services #98