1 Are you learning, Christian worker,
In the blessed school of pray’r;
Have you joined the faithful servants,
Are you ever waiting there?
In this sweet and blest communion
You should dwell from day to day,
Praising Him and thanking Him
For grace along the way.
Oh, this blessed school of pray’r
May we ever be found there!
At the dear Redeemer’s feet
And the blood-bought mercy seat,
In this blessed, blessed school of pray’r.
2 Are you growing, Christian worker,
In the way of grace and love;
Are you mastering the problems,
Sent by Teacher from above?
Are you gaining strength and courage
As you lean upon the Lord?
Are you feeding on the promise
In his precious word? [Refrain]
3 When the day is dark and gloomy,
And the sky is overcast,
Hie thee to this secret chamber
Till the danger is o’erpast;
Here renewing strength for conflict,
Learning here his blessed will,
Bringing down heav’n’s richest blessings,
For he answers still. [Refrain]
Source: His Worthy Praise #56