1 Are we baptiz'd in Christ our Lord,
And buried in his death;
We are from death to life restor'd
And live in him by faith.
2 Is Jesus raised from the dead
By his Almighty pow'r.
As members of that living head,
We live to sin no more.
3 We live, but not to sin enslav'd,
As once it was our case;
From Satan's power we are sav'd,
By Jesus and his grace.
4 Our base affections crucified
And nail'd unto the tree;
And Christ will ever be enjoy'd,
Our life and liberty.
5 We are from day to day renew'd,
And made in grace to grow:
Into the image of our God,
And are his children too.
6 Do we thus imitate him here,
Whilst here on earth we live;
What glories will the Saviour there,
Unto his servants give.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CIX