1 Approach ye tribes; with one according voice
Sing to your God, and in his name rejoice;
2 Your saviour he; let gratitude inspire
The song harmonious; join with it the lyre.
3 He's Lord supreme, the world's dread governor,
Nor mate with him the other gods in pow'r.
4 His hand supports our earth upon her base;
From him the cloud-topp'd mountains hold their place;
5 Within his depths old ocean he restrains,
And his dread hand form'd hills and lawns and plains.
6 With bended knee 'fore your creator fall,
With hands uplifted on Jehovah call;
7 He is our God; we in his pastures rove,
And long shall we enjoy almighty love,
8 If we the dictates of his law obey,
Nor from his sacred statutes wilful stray:
Stray, like our fathers in the days of yore,
When they Arabia's desarts wander'd o'er,
When, tho' by constant miracles he prov'd
His boundless pow'r, still were their hearts unmov'd;
Still by their murmurs they provok'd his wrath,
And tempted him to punish them with death.
10 For forty years he their impatience bore;
At length his mercy wou'd forgive no more;
"Distracted sure (he said) these people are;
"Their God they know not--by myself I swear,
"That they the promis'd land shall ne'er enjoy,
"But in these wild and desart plains shall die.''
Source: New Version of the Psalms of David #XCV