1 Another year has passed away,
Since last we met on Children’s Day;
Each Sabbath fill’d with holy song,
As we have mingled with the throng.
Brightest day, beautiful day,
This is happy Children’s Day;
As flow’rs we bring our hearts to thee,
Make them, our Savior, pure and free.
2 Our teachers here today we greet,
And with them bow at Jesus’ feet,
To thank him as we draw thus near,
For all the blessings of the year. [Chorus]
3 Since last we met on Children’s Day,
Some have gone the heav’nly way,
To sing with him a glad new hymn;
We know our dear Savior let them in. [Chorus]
4 We’ll trust him still for years to come,
And hope to meet when years are done,
‘Mid flow’rs in robes of white array,
Where ev’ry day is Children’s Day. [Chorus]
Source: Good Will: A collection of New Music for Sabbath Schools and Gospel Meetings (Enlarged) #124