1 Another day for Jesus,
A coming day to me,
A day with precious burden
Of opportunity.
What harvest shall I give it?
What record shall I write
Upon these opening pages
Of pure and spotless white?
O blessed work for Jesus,
O glorious coming day,
Thy golden hours may laden be
With work for Him who died for me;
O blessed work for Jesus,
O glorious coming day.
2 Perhaps when evening sunshine
Enwraps the earth with gold,
Its beauty and its glory
My eyes shall not behold.
Perhaps the word for Jesus
That trembled at the noon
Will never now be spoken,
My words forever done. [Refrain]
3 O Giver of the daytime,
O Sender of the night,
May I these precious moments
Spend each as in Thy sight.
And when my earthly daytimes
Forever past shall be,
Grant me this crown of blessing,—
Eternal day with Thee. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of the Kingdom: prepared for the use of young people's societies and adapter for prayer meetings, Sunday schools and the home #33