1 Angry words are lightly spoken
In a rash and thoughtless hour;
Brightest links of life are broken
By their deep insidious power.
Hearts inspired by warmest feeling,
Ne'er before by anger stirr'd,
Oft are rent, past human healing,
By a single angry word.
2 Poison-drops of care and sorrow,
Bitter poison-drops are they,
Weaving for the coming morrow
Saddest memories of to-day.
Angry words! O let them never
From the tongue unbridled slip;
May the heart's best impulse ever
Check them, ere they soil the lip!
3 Love is much too poor and holy,
Friendship is too sacred far,
For a moment's reckless folly,
Thus to desolate and mar.
Angry words are lightly spoken,
Bitt'rest thoughts are rashly stirr'd;
Brightest links of life are broken
By a single angry word.
Source: Linden Harp: a rare collection of popular melodies adapted to sacred and moral songs, original and selected. Illustrated. Also a manual of... #77a