1 And will the God of grace
Perpetual silence keep?
The God of justice hold His peace,
And let His vengeance sleep?
2 Behold, what cursed snares
The men of mischief spread!
The men that hate Thy saints and Thee
Lift up their threat'ning head.
3 Against Thy hidden ones
Their counsels they employ,
And malice, with her watchful eye,
Pursues them to destroy.
4 The noble and the base
Into Thy pastures leap;
The lion and the stupid mule
Conspire to vex Thy sheep.
5 "Come, let us join," they cry,
"To root them from the ground,
Till not the name of saints remain,
Nor mem'ry shall be found."
6 Awake, Almighty God,
And call Thy wrath to mind;
Give them like forests to the fire,
Or stubble to the wind.
7 Convince their madness, Lord,
And make them seek Thy name;
Or else their stubborn rage confound,
That they may die in shame.
8 Then shall the nations know
That glorious, dreadful word,
For Yahweh is Thy name alone,
And Thou the sov'reign Lord.
Source: Psalms of Grace #83d