1 An army is coming, their footsteps we hear,
The time of our rescue is now drawing near;
Then lose not your courage, but stand firmly and true,
Although in this conflict you are weary and few.
Hark to the songs of the conquering throng!
Their glad shout of victory while marching along:
Then lose not your courage valiant help draweth near:
The sound of this army all God's faithful can hear!
2 The right yet shall triumph, all warfare shall cease;
The captives in chains will our Captain release;
For all earth-born tyrants shall be swept from the land,
When forth comes the army with God's Word in command. [Chorus]
3 Be strong and courageous and quit not the field,
The Lord's in the battle, - thou dare not to yield,
Tho' fierce be the struggle, - you shall win thro' his might,
For one strong in faith shall put a thousand to flight. [Chorus]
Source: The Silver Trumpet: a collection of new and selected hymns; for use in public worship, revival services, prayer and social meetings, and Sunday schools #19