1. Amidst the assemblies of the great,
The world's great Ruler takes his seat,
And earthly gods doth judge; (and says)
2. "How long will ye pervert the laws,
Accept the person, plead the cause,
Of such as walk in wicked ways.
3. "Defend the poor, and fatherless;
To such as are in deep distress
Impartial justice let be done.
4. Loose the oppressed's heavy bands;
And, from the wicked's gripping hands,
Deliver ye the needy one."
5. They know not, nor will understand,
They walk in darkness; through the land,
The Earth's Supports are overthrown.
6. "You I have honor'd with my name,
And styled you Gods; ye all, in fame,
For sons of the Most High have shone.
7. "But ye shall die, like common men,
Like other princes fall; and then
Account to me, for all your wrongs."
8. Arise, O God, to judge the earth;
For every nation from it's birth,
To thee by sovereign right belongs.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752