1 Always do your very best for Christ the Savior King,
Make your service true, glad his work to do;
Willing hands and loyal heart with full allegiance bring,
Think how much he did for you.
Always do your very best!
Always do your very best!
Busy day and night,
Work with all your might;
Always do your best for Jesus!
2 Break away from ev’rything to heed the Master’s call,
Though the day be long, fill it full of song;
Just a little while to toil for him, the Lord of all,
Hasten forth to conquer wrong. [Refrain]
3 Always do your very best for One whose love you know,
Like a hero stand, make your service grand;
Weary not, but honor him in ev’ry place you go,
Life and soul at his command. [Refrain]
Source: His Worthy Praise #53