1 Alone with Jesus! oh, how sweet,
In blest communion Him to meet;
No other time to me so dear,
So full of comfort, hope and cheer.
Alone with Jesus, all alone,
Most precious hour I’ve ever known,
My cares and sorrows all depart,
When talking with Him, heart to heart.
2 Alone with Jesus! oh, how sweet
To sit and learn at His dear feet.
Wonder of wonders, could it be
That He’d reveal Himself to me? [Refrain]
3 Alone with Jesus! oh, how sweet
To kneel before the mercy-seat;
There all my weakness I confess,
And Jesus stoops my soul to bless. [Refrain]
4 Alone with Jesus! oh, how sweet,
How calm and blissful the retreat.
My troubled spirit He doth still,
With nameless peace my heart doth fill. [Refrain]
Source: Williston Hymns #182